Based on the recording experience and techniques from Grammy nominee White Lemon Recording Studios, rich tonal balance microphones and Class A pre amps, with many years of devotion to sound production at the highest level we are dedicated to the creation of the most exquisitely podcasts.
If you’re a content creator you spend countless hours of your own time researching, writing, editing, and revising. After all that work, you deserve the best possible production team you can find. Look no further. At White Lemon we specialize in voice production with acoustically treated rooms that can accommodate all of your guests. Additionally, our conference capabilities allow for remote interviewing! Couple that with our state-of-the-art recording equipment and knowledgeable staff, we can make your podcast the best it can be.
You won’t find better value for your money in town, our rates can include the recording studio costs, video fees and engineer fees.
Record your guests anywhere in the world!
Our experienced engineers and state-of-the-art technology allows us to remotely record your guests no matter where they’re located. By Riverside or Source Connect service, you can hear and talk to them right from our studio. When you are done recording we’ll take care of the rest. Our professional post production team will integrate your guests seamlessly and deliver your podcast when you need it.
Powered by ONDEA.
Professional Video recorders
NDA agreements with all parties involved in the process.
We meet industry submission requirements.
Multi-studio recording facility, the ideal environment for professional Podcasts.
Studios acoustically designed and approved to meet international standards.
Experienced engineers and Directors provide accurate and efficient support to any project.
We can deliver RAW, clean punch-edited files, or full post-production services.
We use the best recording and audio conversion systems

Our assets security policy
Secured entry and exit points to our facility.
Smoke and fire detectors.
Facility alarm connected to police 24/7 and unique codes for each user.
All employes and visitors are log and Identify with digital access control.
19 points CCTV system that covers all entries, exits, and studios.
CCTV footage is usable and securely stored for a minimum of 30 days.
Studios, server room and storage secured with digital access controls.
Records of all access logs kept for at least 12 months.
Sensitive physical assets stored securely in a Biometric cage.
Dedicated server for content.
Full disk encryption on all production workstations.